雷竞技(RAYBET)|微软262亿美元收购领英 科技巨头进军企业社交

发布时间:2024-10-04 00:02:01        907 次浏览

本文摘要:In one of the biggest tech mergers of all time, Microsoft said that its buying LinkedIn in a deal valued at $26.2 billion.日前,在有史以来仅次于的一次高科技企业收购中,微软公司宣告以262亿美元的价格并购领英。

In one of the biggest tech mergers of all time, Microsoft said that its buying LinkedIn in a deal valued at $26.2 billion.日前,在有史以来仅次于的一次高科技企业收购中,微软公司宣告以262亿美元的价格并购领英。The deal combines Microsoft, which dominates the global market for computer systems, with LinkedIn, known as the main social network for professionals.此次并购,将微软公司这个主导计算机系统全球市场的企业与主导专业人士社交网络的领英相连了一起。

Microsoft wants to use LinkedIn as a database of professional information and distribution channel for its software systems. LinkedIn gains additional financing and access to millions of people who could potentially join its network.微软公司计划利用领英的专业人士信息数据库,作为销售软件的渠道。领英则获得了额外融资,也将减少几百万个潜在用户。

Together, the two companies could build new types of services that would be particularly useful for workers in sales and HR roles, according to Rodney Nelson, lead Microsoft analyst at Morningstar.据晨星网的微软公司总分析师罗德尼·尼尔森回应,这两个企业将一起打造出特别是在合适销售和聘用人员的新服务。A sales rep could look up someone hes pitching to through Outlook and see their LinkedIn information while writing an email pitch. In the future, Microsoft might even deploy Cortana as a virtual assistant to write the email too, based on that LinkedIn data. For HR professionals, Microsoft could integrate LinkedIn work history of interested candidates to determine compensation offers and job placement.销售代表可以查找到某个人,并在Outlook编写邮件的过程中查阅他们的领英信息。将来,微软公司有可能还要用于虚拟世界助手Cortana,让它根据人们在领英上的数据来编写邮件。

对于人力资源专家,微软公司可以统合领英上人们的工作历史,来要求应聘者的补偿金和低收入移往。LinkedIn had a long, multi-year run as the best-performing social network in the stock market. But over the past six months, despite still being a sizable business, shares have started to sink asFacebook (FB, Tech30) has soared.领英在股市的展现出多年来都是极好的,但过去六个月,尽管业务相当大,该企业的股价早已沉降,与此同时的脸书股价却仍然下降。LinkedIn (LNKD, Tech30) had $3 billion in revenue last year, up 35% from the year before. It has 433 million members worldwide, but its growth has been slowing. Shares had plunged 42% this year, before the deal was announced. The big spark came in February when the company warned of disappointing revenue and profits ahead.领英去年有3亿收益,比起前年减少了35%。

此外,该企业在全球有4.33亿用户,但增长速度早已有所上升。在这项交易发布之前,领英的股价已暴跌42%。这与二月时企业预估今年的收益和利益有可能令人沮丧有关。Scott Kessler, an analyst at SP Global Capital, says hes skeptical of the transaction because its a large deal at a premium with a lot of work to be done.标普全球资本的分析师斯科特·凯斯勒回应,他十分猜测这比交易,因为“这是一个溢价的大笔交易,有许多工作要做到。

”The LinkedIn brand will continue after the deal is closed later this year, the companies said. Jeff Weiner will remain CEO of LinkedIn, reporting to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.领英回应,在今年晚些时候交易已完成后,该公司的品牌将之后保有。杰夫·韦纳将之后兼任领英的CEO,并向微软公司的CEO萨提亚·纳德纳汇报工作。The LinkedIn team has grown a fantastic business centered on connecting the worlds professionals, Nadella said. Together we can accelerate the growth of LinkedIn, as well as Microsoft Office 365.“领英团队在集中于全球专业人士的领域做到了真是的工作,”纳德纳说道。

